Why is Italy badly affected with CoronaVirus

Why is Italy badly affected with Corona Virus
Why is Italy badly affected with Corona Virus Why is Italy badly affected with Corona Virus Why is Italy badly affected with Corona Virus

Why is Italy badly affected with CoronaVirus

Italy has recorded the highest number of deaths due to coronavirus infection in the world so far. The number of deaths due to the Corona virus in Italy went even further than China, from where this dangerous virus started spreading in December.

The coronavirus started spreading here from 21 February, 74, 386 people affected by coronavirus so far, Italy reported 7503 deaths in the coronavirus pandemic with a world-leading fatality rate of more than 9 percent.

The coronavirus pandemic has badly affected Italy, where the northern regions were a hotspot for the illness before it began to spread across the entire country.

Italy badly affected with CoronaVirus
Italy badly affected with CoronaVirus

The corona is at greater risk to the older population, similarly, people who already have a disease, coronavirus also engages them more easily.

Italy is the second- highest in the world in terms of the older population.The younger generation mingles more often with elderly loved ones.

According to the University of Oxford researchers these two facts down as possible reasons for hitting coronavirus Italy so hard.

University of Oxford demographer and epidemiologist Jennifer Beam Dowd, lead author of the paper said: “Extended longevity has played some role in changing the population structure.“But it actually has most to do with how rapid the decline in fertility has been in a population.”

CoronaVirus in Italy
CoronaVirus in Italy

Researchers say that the younger generation of Italy is closer to their elders than other countries. It is also a fact that most of the youth live in the same house with their parents and grandparents.

According to family data, many youths live in rural areas with their parents and go to the city daily for work. For example, the matching of the Lombardy area where the coronavirus has spread very rapidly.

affected with CoronaVirus
Italy badly affected with CoronaVirus

University researchers argue that the virus continued to spread in a peaceful manner due to movement between cities and villages.

According to them the youth working and socializing in cities and towns must have gone to crowded places and brought the Coronavirus home from there. This will spread the infection to the elderly in the home.

ALSO READ : How did Coronavirus reach Italy?

There is a complete lockdown in Italy so that the coronavirus infection can be reduced. according to the research social distancing for the whole is the only key to protect themselves from coronavirus.

The example of Italy in fighting this epidemic can be useful for other countries.